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Welcome to The Grande at Laumeier Park Blog

Expert advice backed by the latest research—for seniors and caregivers alike.

An open box of puzzle pieces sitting on a piece of cardboard with the start of a puzzle on it.

August 15, 2024

Gift Ideas for Seniors in Memory Care

Are you searching for the perfect gift to give a loved one in memory care? Shopping for seniors can present […]

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Key Things to Know About Claiming an Elderly Parent as a Dependent

For a growing number of people with aging parents, matters of tax dependency aren’t just another entry on a financial […]

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A group of seniors sitting and laughing together

August 14, 2024

Creating a Care Plan for Someone with Parkinson’s

When Parkinson’s disease becomes a part of someone’s life, it’s not just the individual who faces changes—it’s a ripple effect […]

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