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The Best Chair Core Exercises for Seniors

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An older adult in a sunlit bedroom smiling while stretching an arm overhead during a chair core exercise.

A healthy, active lifestyle should always be prioritized. However, many seniors face unique challenges that make exercising more challenging than it should be. You can help your loved one maintain an exercise routine by making some small adjustments. It all starts with their core.

Core exercises strengthen the muscles needed to stay upright and walk comfortably. To make these easier for a loved one, try incorporating a chair into the routine. These exercises are gentle but effective while giving your loved one a way to safely strengthen their core.

Seated Marching

Seated marching is a simple exercise. It boosts mobility and strengthens the core muscles. It’s also an excellent introduction to chair-based workouts, as the movements are familiar and easy to pick up.

Encourage your loved one to:

  • Sit up straight in a sturdy chair with feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift their right knee towards their chest as high as is comfortable, keeping their back straight.
  • Lower their right foot back to the floor and repeat with the left knee.
  • Continue alternating legs in a marching motion for 1-2 minutes.

If this exercise is too difficult, it can also be performed just by raising the knees a few inches as needed. Encourage them to focus on engaging their core with a straight back, and they’ll be able to strengthen their core muscles.

Seated Torso Twists

Torso twists improve flexibility and strengthen the oblique muscles. These are essential for maintaining balance. This exercise is both relaxing and strengthening, making it perfect for seniors. 

Your loved one needs to:

  • Sit upright with their feet flat on the floor and arms crossed over their chest. 
  • Slowly twist their torso to the right as far as comfortable, keeping hips facing forward. 
  • Return to the center and twist to the left, slowly and gently.
  • Alternate sides for 10-15 repetitions, adjusting as capabilities allow.

If balance is an issue, tell them to use the chair’s arms for support. Your loved one should keep the movements slow and controlled to prevent injury.

Leg Lifts

Leg lifts target the lower abdominal muscles and thighs, helping to build strength and stability in the legs and core. This exercise can be adjusted for varying levels of comfort and ability.

  • Sit on the edge of a chair with their back straight and hands holding the sides for support. 
  • Extend their right leg out straight, keeping it a few inches off the ground. 
  • Hold for a count of two, then lower and switch to their left leg. 
  • Alternate legs for 10 repetitions each.

If lifting both legs is challenging, your loved one can lift one leg at a time. As long as they engage their core, this exercise is still beneficial!

Seated Side Bends

Side bends boost flexibility and strength in the lateral abdominal muscles. They offer a gentle stretch and are easy to incorporate into a daily routine.

Your loved one should:

  • Sit tall with feet flat on the ground and arms by their sides. 
  • Slowly lean to the right side, reaching their right hand down towards the floor. 
  • Return to the center and repeat on the left side. 
  • Perform 10 repetitions on each side, adjusting as comfortable.

For additional support, they can hold onto the chair with the opposite hand. It’s also important to focus on bending at the waist rather than the shoulders to engage the core.

Overhead Reach

Overhead reaches stretch the upper body and promote good posture. This exercise also strengthens the shoulders and upper back.

A group of older adults together in assisted living, performing an overhead reach during a chair core exercise class.

To perform this, your loved one needs to:

  • Sit upright with their feet flat and arms at their sides. 
  • Raise their right arm overhead and reach towards the ceiling. 
  • Hold for a count of three, then lower and switch to the left arm. 
  • Repeat for 10 repetitions on each side as comfortable.

This can be made more challenging by using both arms simultaneously. Make sure your loved one keeps their shoulders relaxed and avoids arching their back.

Seated Knee Tucks

Knee tucks engage the entire core while improving flexibility and balance. These can be a bit more challenging than other exercises but can easily be modified.

Your loved one should:

  • Sit slightly forward in their chair, holding the sides for stability. 
  • Lean back slightly and lift both knees towards their chest. 
  • Hold for a second, then lower their feet back to the floor. 
  • Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

To adapt this exercise, your loved one can simply tuck one leg at a time. They should maintain steady breathing and carefully control each movement while engaging their core.

Feeling Supported Every Day

Chair core exercises are simple exercises, but they offer significant benefits to those in need. That’s just one reason why our community at The Grande at Laumeier Park is happy to support our residents in their journey to improved health. 

We’re dedicated to offering compassionate, loving care, and we’re here to help. Schedule your visit today to see for yourself!

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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